Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Reading Challenge 2021

The widget below should automatically update every time I finish a book in 2021. 

2021 Reading Challenge

2021 Reading Challenge
Mr Muir has read 9 books toward their goal of 50 books.
I like the way Goodreads can be used to track what you read and I especially like the challenges - that it prompts me to keep reading and to move onto the next book, or finish the one I'm on. It makes it a bit like a game, and while the purist may despair at the gamification of reading, it works for me. I also like the sense of community that Goodreads supports. I don't interact with that community as much as I could but I must admit to being pleased whenever a like or a comment appears.

And while on the subject of community, I have written before about our school librarian's "Currently Reading" initiative (see Keeping Track). The posters that appear around the school create a sense that the school is a community that values reading. 

Over time, I have refined the poster I use to display what I'm currently reading. I now include a brief note about the book and a couple of QR codes that link to this blog... but perhaps that’s a subject for another post. 

What I want to mention here is what is happening at the moment because, during lockdown, the pupils can't see the posters... Our ever resourceful librarian, however, has gone digital. Every month, she sends out an email with thumbnails of what the staff are reading. I wouldn't like the posters around disappear, and I assume we'll start updating them again as pupils return, but I do like getting a list of what is being read all in the one place. I'm hoping that, post lockdown, we will see what is being read both in hard copy and electronically.

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